Promise of Insulin

Promise of Insulin – A Pledge to Save Lives!

Around 10% of the 422 million people with diabetes have type 1 and they rely on insulin, just like you rely on oxygen. Their pancreas does not produce insulin and hence they cannot survive without it.
Insulin is a life-saving medication. There are countless parents who have to choose between insulin and food for their children.
We believe that every child with type 1 diabetes should have equitable access to insulin, test strips, education and treatment – so that they can fulfill their dreams and thrive!
By access, we not only mean the basic life support, but insulin as per the child’s needs, test strips to check blood sugar multiple times daily, health care professional consultation on regular basis and at the time of need, and not having to travel for miles to get their supplies. But we don’t stop here! We want to make their futures as bright as their smiles. Our promise  insulin to them requires school enrollment to assure a bright future!
Pledge your support today!

Daim Ali Support a child